Tensile Water LLC is proud to represent what we feel are the best water treatment equipment manufacturers in the critical municipal water treatment industry, and we’re continuously evaluating new opportunities. Please explore the companies we represent and their product lines by looking below.

Big Wave Water Technologies Logo

Reservoir Mixer · Blower · Chloramine Booster

Chlorine Analyzer​

Turbididy Meter · pH/ORP Meter

More to come...

As a dedicated sales representative specializing in water treatment equipment, I take pride in my role as a strategic partner for companies seeking optimal solutions for their processes. My approach goes beyond simply making sales – I assess each client’s requirements and recommend equipment that aligns with their operations. 

We enjoy collaborating with clients to identify water treatment equipment that needs updating or replacing. Something as simple as a shockproof and waterproof
turbidity meter can increase productivity. I prioritize solutions that offer reduced operating costs, improved water quality, or streamlining the processes. By only promoting equipment that I firmly believe will deliver tangible benefits, I enjoy building long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual success. 

The low-maintenance amperometric chlorine analyzer we feature is certified for NSF-61 installs, EPA method 334.0 compliant, and has no waste stream. Our water mixer is also approved for NSF-61 applications and will improve the water quality for their customers. As businesses are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact, we stay ahead of the industry trends and look for innovative approaches. I am always excited to continue to connect with companies that serve the water treatment world and truly make a difference.

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Let's talk about how the products we offer will improve your process.